Freelancer (free worker) – is a man, a cat. he is seeking and job performance. He is not listed in the state of a company because has no permanent employer. These are people of various professions: artists, writers, photographers, web-designers, and programmers. With the proliferation of Internet number of freelancers around the world has risen.

Yes, this is understandable – it's easier to look for an employer, it is easier to contact, want to receive an honorarium for their work. All freelancers can be divided into two groups: first – beginners who have chosen freelance only because it is 'easier' to start. Beginners test their strength, improve and hone their skills, receive or trying to get their money first. Usually it is the students who start work in a profession or young professionals, a cat. consider themselves not yet ready for the office work.

Second – professionals, cat. have the ability and desire get a higher paying job in itself. It is to this and tend to all freelancers. Such specialists can be named an elite. Very often they do not need to exert much effort to get a new order. Clients themselves find them. They can safely ask for high fees and they will get it, because work is worth it. Enter directly into the second group could not be anyone. To achieve this it is necessary to work hard and spend a huge amount of time. The main advantage of freelancing is that you yourself organize your time.