Just ten years ago the creation of parks at universities in Russia, seemed a distant future. However, today their work – one of the conditions for successful development of higher education institutions. In connection with the modernization social services was necessary to group the most relevant social and business projects on one site. It is only natural that the first industrial park in the social profile of our country is open to Russian State Social University. Among the most important activities Sotsiotehnoparka – selection of innovative resources, market research intelligence services to identify potential customers.
Important role in advancing their research projects is presented both in the university and at national and international exhibitions and forums, negotiations with potential customers, contracts. – We are committed to Valeriyovych Kucherov. – It is therefore of innovative projects government agencies, large companies and public organizations. In RSSU gained a great potential for scientific research. Projects of young scientists to address the problems of social, economic, public and municipal administration are highly appreciated by experts at prestigious scientific conferences.
For example, at the All exhibition of scientific and technical creativity of youth "NTTM-2009" presented by scientific developments were awarded the Gold Medal, the Medal of NTTM and 10 diplomas. A student of psychology, social medicine and rehabilitation AV Technology Char received a grant from the President of Russia. At the end of the IX Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments Russian State Social University was awarded three diplomas for the presented research development. These and other innovative projects are presented in Sotsiotehnoparke. The best works selected by a specially created advisory council. In addition to more active involvement of young scientists each faculty RSCU a presentation of new developments. In Sotsiotehnoparke is also a business incubator, which created jobs for talented students. It enables young people who won prizes at the prestigious Russian and international exhibitions to develop their innovative ideas.