A new impulse in the constructions for the constructions was necessary that would have to shelter the emergent activities. Again, the formal characteristics of that architecture were imprisoned to the functionary that to aesthetic the harmonious one. In 1798, the declining port of Ubatuba came back to the free exportation, as well as Is Sebastio that soon reacted to the crisis. In 1846-1847, the sugar cane-of-sugar exportation reaches the high number of 597.551 arrobas. It is the year that marks the culminating point of the exportation of sugar for Saints.

In this exactly year, the port registered the sales of 236.737 arrobas of coffee. From now on, the producers of the So Paulo interior decide to abandon the sugar cane-of-sugar culture to dedicate themselves to the coffee. shy transformation of the city, tied with the determinative factors of its geography and the economic growth, allowed for its port condition, already demonstrated, in colonial times, a certain dynamism that if reflected more in the urban mesh. At this first moment, the city still kept the concentration of services, commerce and residence in one same urban limit. The first manifestation for the setorizao of the urban small farm, divided in two nuclei, does not go to be the definitive one. An emergent, on question to the development of the interior, the agrarian expansion and the dependence of the province capital – in the So Paulo case – suggested the urban expansion with a brief aspect of zoning of the city, route to the west – quarter of the Valongo – but that it will be, in century XIX, inhibited for the new internal necessities of a net of local transport, the development of a full one of basic sanitation, one politics of health contemporary the investment of the urban road mesh and the proper question of the elite, trying to adopt ways of condizentes life and a new aesthetic taste to its financial condition, searching new spaces for habitation, a new party architectural, new forms and new behavior.