All we usually pass through happy and difficult moments in our lives, if these episodes are accompanied by the hand of spirituality experiences become much more fruitful for each of us find, thus achieving a greater balance and perspective to the elapse of everyday life, making it in more harmonious and pleasant. Most of us caratulamos to anger, loneliness, sadness or adversities as bad, which are of no use, rather than to bring misfortunes and anxieties to our lives; but since spirituality we arrived to discover that all those bad moments we are useful to learn to appreciate the moments that are truly good. Without sadness we wouldn’t appreciate happiness; as well as without a job we could not assess breaks. While it is true that there are various paths that lead us to the discovery of the spirituality, without a doubt, the best of them is through Bibliotherapy. Bibliotherapy, for all those who are unaware of this technical, is the discipline that has as main objective provide, to the human being, knowledge and skills necessary for life through a process of teaching-learning awarded by reading books suitable for this purpose. Bibliotherapy is based on written words and is usually combined with therapy through writing.
Often it is used as a general healing practice, assuming that reading has good properties for therapeutic purposes. The concept of Bibliotherapy arises from the human inclination to identify with characters both real people through the experiences. The word written as experiential testimony involves values and attitudes that can lead the reader towards the discovery of senses which clarify the landscape and may be useful, for their own life situation. Bibliotherapy-oriented books provide individuals the possibility to achieve the strengthening of character, conduct, elevate self-esteem, acquire new habits. They collaborate with Personal development, which means extend your possibilities in life.
It facilitates the Empowerment, i.e. providing individuals ability to exert the choice of same opportunities if. In addition, it prepares for decision-making and the resolution of difficult problems. It feeds the confidence and assertiveness contributing way positive in driving conflicts and tensions. It improves communication skills by raising the level of personal satisfaction. It allows the achievement of individual goals developing a sense of progress in various areas of life. It promotes the decline of fears reducing tensions. It motivates people to change attitudes by raising his spirit to achieve harmony, peace and fullness. Each and every one of us possess sufficient capacity for auto – help us by such reason tell you Yes to Bibliotherapy and encourage us to discover what keeps our inner world.