With the MnM 1.2.2011 include the past at Augsburg inflexible mailing lists and complex delivery of press releases finally. The innovative business solution V.G.I. distribution company Internet mbH in Augsburg: the MediNetworkManager (MnM) enables efficient contact management, campaigning and PR controlling. The MnM meets the demands of the modern press work on speed, precision and flexibility the complicated creation of inflexible mailing lists and complex delivery of press releases finally belong to the past. Also in 2011, effective PR work is based on the knowledge of workflow, the reliability and punctuality of PR content tools and comprehensive distribution know-how. To send a press release to selected contacts, belongs to the standard requirements.
But that still represents a big hurdle for many companies. Not infrequently they use outdated mailing lists and use programs, the while that can send E-Mails Emails must be personalized but only awkward and terminated. “The Web-based press software MnM has been designed for professional communication in press and PR agencies and simplifies the work of teams and Rangers ‘ alike. The daily workflows are documented, the PR work will be transparent: what has really brought a mailing to contacts? What topics in the newsletter came on special resonance? Contacts can be maintained in the MnM timely and detailed and updated: especially with regard to the Organization and carrying out of press campaigns, the MediNetworkManager provides important services. Campaigns can be thanks to the precise mapping of contacts to various media, disciplines and distributors easier, faster and more precisely organized and carried out purposefully.
The MediNetworkManager MnM makes it possible to bundle media contacts in a simple way and to contact structured and specific campaigns. All this information and components such as personalized corporate mail, media and customer membership are provided to the user. The customization makes it possible for PR agencies exactly comply with the substantive and temporal objectives of the campaigns. The systems were in close collaboration with the PR pros who developed online media GmbH < outline > and steadily over long periods of time the customer is running and optimized. Functionality and clarity are the MediNetworkManager in the focus: the interface design is clear, self-explanatory and reduced to the essentials. Central workflows can be accomplished faster, easier and safer. So far that could V.G.I. distribution company Internet mbH already several well-known PR agencies in Germany for the MnM win. 2009 she gave in her action eleven pioneers’ small and medium-sized enterprises the chance to use the new PR software for contact management and their press shipping. In a question-answer forum Mike Gianoni was the first to reply. The MnM is the third software component of nSuite series by V.G.I. The editorial and content-management-system enPress allows for easy updating of Web content, the publication and the CI-compliant delivery of press releases. The specific approval process and the differentiated rights allow a trustworthy and effective collaboration between client and agency. The performance tracking system enTime is especially suitable for the differentiated and easy performance recording in PR agencies and increases the demonstrable value there.