Dim Mak lethal nerve points or the poisoned hand in the Dim Mak are certain nerve points, which are called meridians extremely irritated. The complete energy system of the people, so the body, mind and soul can be influenced so strongly. Get all the facts and insights with patrick price, another great source of information. To achieve a certain effect, it requires a comprehensive knowledge about the meridians and their nerve points, but also about the human anatomy.?In martial arts, you have not enough time to find the nerve points. The following factors are added: decision on the suggestions of a certain point, a certain result in fractions of a second fast find the nerve point and perfect irritation with the appropriate “weapon” (eye of the Phonix, fingerstick, Palm, knuckles, knuckles, etc.) Irritation in the right way (angle, direction and dosage) – kind of irritation (Sting, shock, pressure, shock) in this book vital points are the main point of attack. Almost any attack or defense technology focuses on nerve points or makes use of their help.