Your computer has recently began to slowly work? From this you start to get nervous? Slow computer is commonplace, especially for older computers. It can be very annoying if you urgently must perform some task on your computer. There are many reasons why your computer may slow down. You can follow some tips to eliminate the cause of slow performance. First you need to determine exactly when your computer starts to slow down. You may experience problems connecting to the internet at certain times during the day.

Sometimes, the download sites can take a long time, if while many people use the same channel the Internet. You can call tech support for your service provider to find out the reason why the internet speed is very low. In a question-answer forum read more was the first to reply. Perhaps they can explain problem. If your internet slows down during the day, the problem may be inherent in the computer. If your house is a local network of several computers, make sure you have the same problem on other machines. If only one computer problems connecting to the network, you'll have to figure out the cause of failure of the computer. The first step is to speed up the Internet to make some adjustment your browser.

Just go to Settings stories of visiting web pages and cache, cookies, and history of visits. You must do this from time to time, about once a month. This should slightly improve performance in Internet. If the network is completely unavailable, then try rebooting your router – switch it off for a minute and then on again. Also, sometimes it helps to restart the computer. In some cases there may be problems in network cable, check that it really connected and correctly inserted into the outlet. In that case, if anything at all does not work, it is best to contact a computer repair and setting up Windows.