People who first hear the word "blog" often ask me – "What's that?", "The blog is different from the site, and what it all for?" Well, let's deal is actually simple. Blog – a kind of site. There news sites, there are forums that have online stores, and there are blogs. All these types of sites. There are five types blogov.Vot these 5 types: 1. Personal blog.2. Professional blog.3. Brand blog.4.
News blog.5. Non-traditional blogs. We now consider each type podrobnee.Lichny blog represents a common web diary. In this blog usually write about personal events. Entries in this diary often have about such title "Yesterday went to the movie, like, "I bought jeans – check it out", etc. Basically, these diaries are maintained for you and visit them usually only the author himself and a dozen of his friends who engaged in such diaries.
Professional blog. If a person professionally engaged in some activity, then he can start a professional blog. For example, a man fond of digital photography. He said that the dog had eaten on this topic, a lot of equipment already purchased and tried. In general, it is interesting, he gives it a long time and knows a lot of what could share with many novice photographers. Usually such blogs gather around him a large audience of people who also interested in this topic. They read articles, comment on them, the author suggest new ideas about what you can write. When this blog starts to gain momentum in attendance, he begins to bring its owner a profit.