For the students of the function of markets, especially those interested in the behavior of the consumer, the economic crisis that has been provoked and affected the countries, even padoresos economically, must be a reason for study, analysis, investigation, put originates that the management of markets of step to new strategies, plans that they collaborate with the behavior of the consumer, favoring to him in its decisions of purchase, generating confidence to him in all those products, services that are offered. On it there is an interesting writing presented/displayed by Marketing Universia Knowledge Wharton, where it is indicated, that although the consumer is used to dissuading itself during the low phase of any economic cycle, the gravity and the uncertainties of the present crisis will have majors effects prolonged in its attitudes that in previous crises. The consumer, says, will end up again spending, but without the same spirit provided by the easy credit of frenetic years 2000. Of agreement to Wesley Hutchinson, professor of Marketing of Wharton. " It is in a moment for knowing if the present crisis will leave the same scar psychological, but is a precedent of a great change " The Great Depression changed to the behavior of the consumer and its attitudes during all one generacin" , In next the 18 months, it considers Hutchinson, the consumer will learn to behave of more frugal way and it will not even leave that attitude after the economy becomes stabilized. " In a certain sense, everybody now knows to some thing on the financial markets and the abusive use of the personal credit: in that matter, the American consumer always has shown to be a terrible student. We had the habit of not paying much attention to the cost of the money prestado" Of course, these declarations are interesting and it entails that the students of markets, especially those that live in the United States will have to be more kind as the present crisis has affected the behavior of the consumer, aspect that will have widely to be studied in his it reaches and repercussions, in everything what it can help to restitute the confidence and to predict the new style of behavior, that doubtless will arise.