In this work will go to say on the process of formation and functioning of the units of conservation in Brazil, giving emphasis the areas of conservation of sustainable use that can be explored thinking about the future generations gifts and, and those of integral protection, which does not allow the exploration. aundrie has much to offer in this field. The Agency that regulates and defines the different categories of units of conservation is the SNUC? National system of Units of Conservation. Michael Schwartz is often quoted on this topic. Inside of this work we speak also of the units of conservation in the Legal Amaznia, giving to bigger relief to the State Park of the Mountain range of the Martyrdoms/Swallows, that if it locates in the city of Are Geraldo of the Araguaia, in the state of Par. Word-key: Units of Conservation. SNUC. Mountain range of the Martyrdoms/Swallows.
This work turns on the units of conservation in Brazil, general form, and the State Park of the Mountain range of Martyrdoms/Swallows, of particular form. Our main objective was to happen a little of light on the different ways that the humanity uses to conserve and to preserve the areas that present biological diversities, therefore the globalizada society starts to demand each time new merchandises, that in its process of production consume each time more extracted resources of the nature. Therefore, if she makes necessary the agreement on the functioning of the different existing units of conservation in Brazil. The methodology for the construction of this work was, mainly, the bibliographical research with one brief revision. Thus, we structuralize the work in one sucinta followed introduction of a historical apanhado briefing of the process of constitution of the units of conservation in Brazil, that as I castrate Jnior; Coutinho and Freitas (2009) acquire international importance throughout years 80 of century XX.
In the sequncia we will speak of the units of conservation in the Legal Amaznia, where its natural resources pass to be seen as patrimony of the humanity in the phase of euphoria of the ambient preservation. In this manner, some units of conservation in this period of conservacionista bubbling had been created. In the final part of the work, we will treat on the creation and functioning of the State Park of the Mountain range of the Martyrdoms/Swallows, in the state of Par, more necessarily in the city of Are Geraldo of the Araguaia. The park in question has been white of the most varied studies developed for a very great gamma of institutions, and governmental politics that they aim at to the construction of a hidrovia, without if saying of the invasion threats/occupation for movements that fight for the ownership of the land.