The agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA) has been around a year intensively with the problem area of chronic Botulism in agricultural holdings agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA) for around a year intensively works with the problem area of chronic Botulism in farms. Cows die, fall ill farmers and veterinarians and hardly any of our politicians and offices apparently also showed interest in the action so far. A conference proceedings (150 pages strong) the AVA to the chronic botulism was applied, so far although over 2000 times sent within the country and abroad, but a variety of experts and politicians speak of fear-mongering, nonsense, and nonsense. There is such disorder it is ultimately the inability of farmers to feed cows “.” A tremendous ignorance not only AVA Chief Ernst-Gunther Hellwig, specialist veterinarian and Diplomagraringenieur, says. Is now in the press and on the radio about an affected with chronic botulism Dairy farm in Saxony reported. Not only about 600 dead cows are subject, but also the proven event of people with this disease (Prof. Dr. Dirk Dressler, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover).

Lawyer Dr. Eberhard Grabow represents the plant manager and want to help other sufferers. High claims for damages would make to the authorities, that so far ignored this disease of chronic botulism, so the lawyer. The free State of Saxony is now calling the nationwide cause clarification by the Friedrich Institute of Loeffler-to get all scientific knowledge and a clear definition of the disease. Only on this basis a diagnosis in the ongoing cattle is possible’, the Saxon Minister of health Christine Clauss, which would also the recording of the factor disease of this Clostridiose in the list of notifiable animal diseases, to financial aid about the animal diseases Fund to the affected farmers to get. Currently missing, but any legal Basis, said the Minister. For about 10 years, there are reports of chronic Botulism in cattle, with some very high loss rates.