In an agreement that endorses the position taken by the previous administration, the Mayor of Chile Chico Luperciano Munoz and the unanimity of the Councillors agreed at the last session express publicly their opposition to the construction of hydroelectric power plants in the basin of the Baker River, which in large part is located within the municipal limits both in the namesake River and Lake General Carrera and considers the localities of Chile ChicoBay Jara, Mallin Grande, Fachinal, Puerto Guadal, Puerto Bertrand, Sector Ceballos and River Lions. The Mayor explained that this decision is, in general terms, that this is a region that has a concept, a seal. It is a reserve of life to our planet so it will not accept that these mega stations, whereas all instruments of regional planning that exist, since the PRDU (Regional Urban Development Plan) down, we emerge as a tourist place, that’s already not going to be with these mega power plants are built. He added to this argument the ecological disaster, all the social intervention in the various commune. We are because this region follow pollution-free and do not pay for the mistakes that have made both the Governments of the Concertacion and the military dictatorship, which didn’t in an energy development balanced with nature, which have not invested in research. He pointed out that in the Region of Aysen cannot be an experiment from the rest of the country as soon as to pay for those mistakes. And basically when this energy is not going the more humble of this country populations but to large multinational companies.

On the intervention of communities by the company Luperciano Munoz said that we do not negotiate or transamos with HidroAysen. We don’t accept their gifts and how they have been handled with an international consultant who is behind of changing mentalities, buy consciences in the various communes well, continue to do that. He added that people is that you will know if it welcomes the call of these mega stations, if participates or not in the call made to them, is that will exclusively people and us we are not going to put there, but as a municipality does not accept any aid or donations. We can not betray the decision by money or help of any kind. He recalled also the query citizen who was held in Tortel, where nearly 80 percent of those who voted rejected the dams. Those are gestures of courage in these times where everything has an economic value. May they know that there are people, politicians or representatives of the community who are not willing to compromise nothing about a subject as important and sensitive as it is to keep our region as a reserve of humanity, reserve life or as a region free of contamination. In the agreement adopted at the April 13 meeting voted in favour of the rejection of the dams in the Region of Aysen, in addition to the Mayor, Councillors Fidelina Roco, Jorge Vargas, Jorge Hereme, Cristian Jara, Marina Loncon and Ricardo Ibarra.