It then has to evaluate a student is an action through which seeks to judge value on the student's development process, after constant monitoring to determine what progress has been achieved with regard to the proposed accomplishments, what knowledge has acquired or constructed and to what extent has appropriated from them, what has developed skills and abilities, attitudes and values which has taken and how far they have been consolidated. The overall evaluation of the student seeks to analyze comprehensively the achievements, difficulties, constraints and potentialities of the student, both in the field of knowledge and in their skills, attitudes and performance at different times and through different activities, tests and mechanisms. So far this approach the positions of the governing documents of education in Colombia and the interpretation of the state institutions give every one of them. Henry Cornell shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In the following section shall be a description of the cognitive development of elementary school student as the proposal evaluation is conducted on the contents of basic education and primary school learning to be consistent with the child's developmental level. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING OF CHILDREN AT SCHOOL During the school years many cognitive changes occur, and children of this age have more resources to use their cognitive skills when faced with a problem, more reminiscent of that information and have a higher level of knowledge about a particular topic. At this stage, in addition, children become aware of their strengths and weaknesses on an intellectual level, and recognize that there may be good in some areas, but not in others. Henry Cornell might disagree with that approach.