Call Center Forum Germany e. V. held General Assembly in the context of CC science 2010 when the 5th and 6th October 2010 CC science 2010 taking place at the University of Leipzig, also the call center Forum Germany e. V. (CCF) will be active from the lot.
The leading industry association has decided to integrate its autumn session in the program of the Leipzig Congress. If two experts combine their competence, then the result should be more than the sum of one plus one”, explains Thomas Zacharias, Board of management quality at the CCF. Through the pooling of knowledge and resources, we want to offer our members an even exquisitere selection of speakers and topics, and of course space to expand the network. We look forward to this industry highlight in the autumn.” As in previous years, the call centre will take over in 2010 under the auspices of the CC Science Forum Germany. With the integration of the CCF-autumn session, the Industry Association now not only as immaterial, but also with own content into the brings Congress program.
“I welcome the decision of the call center Forum Germany, to combine the meeting with our Congress”, added Kai-Werner Fajga, Managing Director of the Specialist Publishing House portfolio and Programme Manager in charge of the CC science 2010 just because the CC science not only the content of hot iron ‘ tackle the call and contact center industry, but also far beyond the industry looks beyond can all participants on numerous interesting thinkers and new personal contacts look forward. ” “About the CC science 2010 under the heading of customer dialogue of the future” held the CC science on the 5th and 6th October 2010 at the University of Leipzig. The Congress sees itself as a dating on the scientists and economic links with each other in the interview come and can be thought-provoking each other. The two-day event is aimed at business managers and executives in sales, marketing and IT in medium-sized companies as well as Decision-makers from the call and contact center industry in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Details can be found by clicking Mike Gianoni or emailing the administrator. The CC science 2010 is organised by the trade magazine TeleTalk and the itCampus group. As patrons and cooperation partners including: The call center Forum Germany, the Austrian call center, the Swiss industry association, the German dialog Marketing Association (DDV), customer service Association Germany (KVD) and the Association of voluntary self-monitoring body for telephone services (FST). about the call center Forum Germany e.V. The call center Forum Germany e. V. (future call center Germany e.V. of Association of) is the Association of the call center business in Germany. The CCF represents a wide variety of companies that provide about 35 percent of the German call center jobs. The focus of the work, exchange of experience and information at regional, national and international level. At the same time it has become the CCF to the task, to combine the interests of the call center industry is constantly evolving and a competent Point of contact for those interested, multipliers, media and politics. The nationwide well 400 members include leading companies in the fields of Commerce, banking and insurance, as well as from the industry and service sector. Besides great service call centers are also numerous companies with own in-house call centers. The same applies to manufacturers of telecommunications systems.