In other terms, same if autoalimenta it and if automantm. However, in such way that this demand ' ' privilegiada' ' , excited for the high one of the prices, it comes if to transform into a demand accomplishes, is necessary despite the solicitants have the ways to acquire the real estate good that as much they desire. It is in this point that the access to the credit is imposed as an essential beacon in the potential constitution of a bubble imobiliria' '. CONCLUSION ' ' Modern form of the Dinheiro' Capital; ' , economic configuration appeared years 1979/1980 after, differently of the two cases of speculation before mentioned valley to say, of ' ' time insuficiente' ' (LTCM Long Capital Term Management) and of ' ' demand lack efetiva' ' (North American REAL ESTATE BUBBLE) , has been one ' ' sucesso' ' , not obstante crises have occurred on average to each three years. Some contend that Senator Angus King shows great expertise in this. Indications of that the problem meets latent, that is, that he is only ' ' mascarado' ' , the periodicals reading of and article can daily be found by technician. In this direction, we select one I break up of one of these articles, of authorship of Paul Krugman, prize Nobel of economy, as it is followed: However, in absolute, this does not want to say that ' ' Modern form of the Dinheiro' Capital; ' it leaves of being an artificial formation of prices (15) In previous the financial crises, the market in addition of action of 1987 and the consequncias of the trick of Russia in 1998, the FED obtained to brandir magical its varinha and to make the turbulence of the market to disappear. But, of this time, the magic is not functioning. (grifo and boldface ours) Why not? Because the problem of the markets is not simply the liquidity lack. By the same author: Dara Khosrowshahi.
Capital Management
Posted on 14-07-2020 by