This second language learning is something that presents difficulties to the majority of people who attend classes at academies and buy courses without obtaining the expected result: learn English. When a person is forced to study English for work reasons it gets more serious, because is tata to acquire vocabulary that will be necessary to use precise in communicative exchanges with people from English-speaking and where mistakes can have disastrous consequences. But learning the vocabulary of business English can be minutes if the brain is used efficiently. Thus, rather than read and reread several times the vocabulary list, they can be implemented a series of fun and efficient strategies that involve the right hemisphere of the brain thus facilitating learning. Swarmed by offers, Mark Okerstrom is currently assessing future choices. List of vocabulary extracted this list for a course of business English learning on the Internet.

Brand name = brand Business = Business Company = company, company Employee = employee Factory = manufactured Industry = industry Headquarters = Headquarters Multinational = multinational Office = Office Retail = sale to the by lower Salary = salary Schedule = schedule Staff = template, equipment Tax = tax Warranty = guarantee Wholesale = sale to the by greater Workplace = workplace using the Spanish to learn English to learn the first step this vocabulary will be focusing on those words that resemble the Spanish: Company = Company Factory = Factory Industry = industry Multinational = multinational Office = Office Salary = salary these words associate quickly with the internal lexicon that the speaker has in Spanish, that resemble the corresponding Spanish words in his spelling. English is all parties should pay attention to those words in English that are used naturally in Spanish or with which the apprentice is more familiar. For example, if any manual appliances opens, find the paragraph warranty which means warranty. The same is true with brand name, since although the meaning of the term brand unknown, today everyone who has been in contact with the English sometime in your life knows that name means marks. Substitution of words by others there are words that are used by Spanish speakers in daily life, but not in English clear. The strategy to be followed then, would be to replace the Spanish word by its corresponding English term.

This can be done, pasting a sticker with the name tax, scoring in the agenda that is a meeting of staff instead of a team meeting in the folder of taxes or by placing a sign on the artboard that says workplace. Learning the difficult words last words remaining they can learn shocking images, associating with each one of them. It is very important that these images have strength that call the attention of the learner and thus facilitate the memory. In this way, to remind employee it would be very useful put a picture with the typical sign of employee of the month. To learn retail and Wholesale, used a photo of the nearest supermarket and a store respectively; and to familiarize yourself with headquarters will be a photo of the central mail Office or municipal offices in the area in which it inhabits. The trick is to aim to learn English in his day was learned Spanish and each day any person learn new words in their own language, which is creating partnerships between the meaning of the word and the word itself.