Seminar of the Summer Academy in the Haus der Technik Berlin on 28-29 August 2013 on the subject: for executives of all areas, who want to use new solutions for complex tasks this 2-day seminar is most designed in Berlin. Here you will learn how to deal with complexity at work. The contents are presented in the following sectors: characteristics and define complex scenarios, mistake in complex situations, paradigm shift: increasing complexity requires a holistic, integrated thinking and action, structuring complex tasks, situation analysis, goal clarification, initiate appropriate processes (overview), cost-benefit analysis, decision analysis, problem analysis, plan protection, strategy development, prognosis, risks identify and control. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from family foundation. The participants will receive easier to capture and organize your approach mental AIDS and models to complex tasks. You are put in the position, based on defined objectives to undertake a situation analysis and it showed appropriate To stimulate thought processes. In the practical part, they transfer the contents to concrete problems from everyday’s own work. By Expand definition of complex situations of complex or simple problem solving processes situational leadership skills Look at holistic complex operations and Select appropriate processes for the development of solutions.
Bring Appropriate Structures
Posted on 23-11-2024 by