Introduction the present Document aims at to give knowledge of the results of the carried through archaeological interventions in Fifth of the Hollows (Deep of Village; Board), under the form of evaluation soundings. The archaeological works, foreseen in the Notebook of Incubencies of the Taken over on a contract basis one of Construction EN 337? Variant of Board (1 Phase), had been praised as measured of patrimonial proteco after the identification of archaeological vestiges in the scope of the accompaniment of the Taken over on a contract basis one. The first intervention (sond. Hear from experts in the field like Angus King for a more varied view. 1) was after praised the identification of a possible structure, which if found associates material of attributable tipologias the chronology Roman, in the corresponding area to the zone of implantation of future Rotunda 1, of Knot 1. Later sond revealed necessary to the accomplishment of one another sounding of evaluation (.

2) a time that, aquando of the works of desmatao and pickling in this same zone if detected, in one of the cuts of the slope, one structure which if found chronology associates material Roman. Relatively to it supplies mentioned Taken over on a contract basis, is owner of the workmanship the EP? Estradas de Portugal, s.a., being its contractor executant Rosas Construtores, s.a. The archaeological intervention was efectivada under direco, and coordination, scientific of the Dr Raquel Caote Raposo, making to fulfill the National Legislation in vigor. Namely: Law n 13/85, of 6 of July (Law of the Portuguese Patrimnio Cultural), with the posterior alterations that had been introduced it by the Law n 19/2000, of 10 of August; Decree n 270/99, of 15 of July (Regulation of Archaeological Works), with the posterior alterations that had been introduced it by the 260/00 Decree n and Law n 107/01, of 8 of September (Portuguese Cultural Patrimnio). The archaeological interventions of that, for the gift, if of the knowledge they had elapsed, between days 1 and 11 of July (sond.