In April, the FSLN writes the message to the student revolutionaries. " May 1 sends a message to the Nicaraguan mothers: "Allow me to recall this day the mother of this writer these lines, my mother proletarian, whose days in the world and concluded. In his humility IIego to understand and say with satisfaction that this child belonged to Ia country. The memory of my mother with me and encouraged in the fighting. . . All the mothers of the martyrs, we say: One day will begin to shine forever Ia Nicaraguan freedom land. A sacred freedom is rooted in your innards.

" In the months of July and August reappears in Matagalpa and neighboring areas with Tomas Borge and Oscar Turcios. a In 1969, Nicaragua sseribe Zero Hour and 28 February a "Report on the Nicaraguan revolutionary process." The Sandinista National Liberation Front, FSLN, is consolidated ideologically and politically, despite their military reverses by offering a program with fifteen points raised by him and his statutes and strategy. Lanza messages on behalf of the organization: "For an early and victorious guerrilla May, the tenth anniversary of the slaughter student July 23, another tHe July 17 in honor of the fall of Julio Buitrago entitled" With the blood of our martyrs will build a happy future ", another one on August 15 in relation to the fall of the commander Buitrago and peer Marcos Rivera, Anibal Blandon Castrillo and Alesio and fifth fraternity guerrilla message on 28 August. On August 31 is captured in a house in Alajuela, Costa Rica.