It said that he goes to work to prevent future changes in the legislation tax by means of provisional remedy; he still defended retaken of the reform the tax in this year, at least in the House of representatives; defended the reduction of the high interests. According to Renan, she is necessary also to review the concepts of urgency and relevance, that justify the edition of provisional remedies on the part of the Executivo.Educao continuadAs lessons of the MBA in Ambient Management in Infrastructure, initiative launched in February for the Abdib and the Ministry of the Environment by means of a cooperation agreement technique, will be initiated in the end of April in So Paulo and May in the Federal District, with the possible creation of an additional group in Rio De Janeiro. foreseen participants are deriving of agencies and public companies and private. Automation comercialA paranaense Bematech, with a rude invoicing of R$ 103 million, registered growth of 15% in 2004. Andrew Mason insists that this is the case.
The definition of the total focus of the company in the segment of commercial automation, the conclusion of the transistion of the politics of commercialization with the implantation of commercial units covering the Country and the beginning of the attendance the great complete retail nets with PDVs and services associates had been three actions that certainly alavancaram this growth. Energy in atendimentoCom aid of the technology of the Altitude Software, company specialized in solutions for call centers, the AES Eletropaulo gained agility and rapidity in the attendance to its customers. The flexibility of the new tool allowed the deliverer of electric energy, with more than 16 million users, to reduce the time for the attendance of the linkings with claims for problems of energy of nine minutes for only seven seconds. Signal Intervoz and Televoz directed toward companies and residences that reduce in up to 75% the costs with linkings the long distance (DDI and DDD). Beyond the economy, the user can consult the description of the linkings in real time for web, what he guarantees the transparency of the service and allows that the expenses with telephony are mensurados. One of the partners of the Risk Office is Marcelo Rabbat, one of the main consultants of economy of the Country. that also he is managing of the PR Investment, Risk of Credit and Risk of Market.