The physical and psychological changes modify in a fast way daily adolescent it. The new features, the expectations and the idealizaes leave the young, to a large extent of the times, confused and lost. The adolescent is common to look other people who are passing for similar conflicts to the ones of it, somebody with who it if she identifies, or that she can serve as a support and company for itself. They appear thus, the groups, for which the adolescent search to consolidate its identity, to find people to divide and to share its thoughts and feelings. This article searchs to understand as the formation of groups in this phase happens and as this constitution it is seen by proper adolescents and for its family. Words – key: Groups; Adolescence; Family.
Abstract The adolescence is considered trouble and confrontational phase by many people. Psychological physical And changes modify the teen? s daily routine quickly. The news, the expectations and the idealizations let to teenager, most of the teamses, confused and lost. It is common the adolescents look will be others who ploughs having the same conflicts, somebody who identifies with them or somebody who can be companionship. Thus, the groups to appear and the teenagers aim you consolidate to their identities and find people you share to their thoughts and feelings. This article intends you understand how the formation of these groups happens at this stage and how this constitution is seen by the adolescents themselves and by to their family. Keywords: Groups; Adolescence; Family the adolescence consists of a phase considered for many, conturbada and conflituosa.