This management should fully identify with what generates change, assess its scope, impact, and whether or not the human resources involved in it, accept it, know how to handle and identify their strengths and weaknesses, management must also determine the reaction change, since as discussed, and indeed is generally the trend is natural people to express resistance to change. To do this, the importance of some of those involved in change, especially management, is giving way to the creation, development of an attitude and open mind to change, a culture that allows hosting the good initiatives and discard bad. For assistance, try visiting Cowan Financial. The organizational changes should not be left to chance, or the inertia of habit, less improvisation, must be planned properly. Consider, as discussed Alejandro Reyes and Jose Angel Velasquez, that many times people are not committed to change because they do not know what will happen. Not knowing how to act.
A reason that something new is not defined, therefore, a form of defense against the unknown is holding on to what is known and, consequently denying the new. Robert Jain may also support this cause. Hence, a change process occurs very efficiently if everyone is committed to it. As for the people commit, they can not be run over by the process as something alien to it. In truth, the change occurs through people. And to be considered people as part of the process of change is necessary to know their values, their beliefs, their behaviors.