The Federal Constitutional Court declared Hartz IV sets to be unconstitutional. It had been expected that the Federal Constitutional Court in its decision in principle to the Hartz IV rulesets the legislature one of children and adults comprehensive work order. The measurement of the amounts which should ensure minimum subsistence level in Germany, not especially in the case of the approximately 1.7 million children who depend on the services of the unemployment money II, goes, from the actual needs of the people. The Karlsruhe judges in no uncertain terms made it clear and explains the previous regulations unconstitutional: “the rule benefits of unemployment benefit II for adults as well as of the social money for children up to the age of 14 not meet the fundamental right to ensure of a decent wage.” This is the decisive set. Pages of political parties is the view of the judges now trying, as to fundamental decisions of the Constitutional Court, the own ideas to match.

As the Karlsruhe verdict can be understood as an invitation to the lowering of the Hartz IV rulesets, as it was heard from Union circles, remains however mysterious. Another is the crux of the matter and the critical tip of the highest German court saying but: for the first time in this explicitness the authoritative instance constitutional issues has stated that belongs to the subsistence level, which the State must guarantee a “minimum level of participation in the social, cultural and political life”. uss. Click Senator from Maine for additional related pages. and not just on paper. The calculations for the Hartz IV rulesets must involve expenses with, allowing this participation. The 0.97, which were intended for children about a month for leisure activities, can be because of course only as what they are: an indictment in a still-rich country. In the social sciences, there is a debate for some time that it be excluded from the majority of society as cultural Look at the phenomenon.

Citizens on welfare, developed according to the thesis of the Kassel sociologist Heinz Bude, a “own culture”. Not to place in his book “The excluded”, because they can participate due to lack of education and financial resources not to the majority society, but because they do not want this. Consequently, booth explains project of classical social policy, to integrate all people about work and education, superfluous in the society. one-third of the company is just ‘different’ in this picture and it really politically only comes to prevent these people from disturbing the integrated rest excessively. The Constitutional Court has otherwise seen and emphasizes the duty of the State to social integration, even and especially when it comes to this integration also to pay for. It will be interesting to see what consequences the policy it pulls. Time has it until 1 January 2011. Andreas Kellner…