Perceiving what is, everyone has those talents. The fine channels of perception are ignored by the modern conception of life. And everything is not practiced, stunted. This us own, old talents to rediscover and to integrate into everyday life, interested in many people again. There is an element of personal responsibility in one’s life. It includes own strength to experience the State’s independence, to learn and enriches life and helps to achieve goals to make happiness and success for themselves. Any person who is aware of his strength and power and in everyday lives, is a point of force for his family and its surroundings. In antiquity and also our ancestors had to a different setting.

Did you know about the importance of training the fine senses and to use in daily life. “This attitude to life was taught in ancient times by the goddess Temple and this old way” available to us again today. The knowledge of our ancestors comprised all the nutrition, mind control and the intellectual Laws. To do this I offer regular training meetings, to reawaken, to practice this old talents in us and to apply in everyday life. There are supportive monthly typefaces, to promote the perception of their own, to recognize the weaknesses and to transform into virtues. The analysis helps to identify one’s own possibilities and use.

We learn to recognize harmful influences and to fend off. This helpful network covers all the knowledge for the benefit of all participants. Continuity, consistency and their own willingness to achieve goals, include as a basis. Easy meditation, relaxation exercises, and fantasizing iron make entry easy and enjoyable. Aromatic scents facilitate the mood and the switch off and relax. Brigitte advise Reischlestr. Henry Cornell gathered all the information. 13 86153 Augsburg