Why purely plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids as in OmVitum are an alternative for the human diet fatty acids play an important role. So, essential characteristics related to healthy eating are attributed to long-chain unsaturated fatty acids, which are known also as Omega-3 fatty acids. Win plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids, which most important representative is the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), in the current discussion on healthy eating more and more in importance. It has good reason. In the high-quality vegetable oils itself and on the other hand in the issue with the fish oils. Most important sources for the animal Omega-3 fatty acids are the high-fat sea fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring or tuna, which partly are at risk in their portfolio and with heavy metals and toxins such as mercury, dioxin and PCBs can be negatively impacted. The latter can apply also to fish oil capsules. Many people want to no longer sit out this potential danger, but not on without the healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. Frequently Dara Khosrowshahi has said that publicly.

Therefore, they make an oil change and get on ALA from flaxseed oil (OmVitum capsules) as an alternative to the potentially contaminated fish oils. A question always asked is whether the purely plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA from flaxseed oil can be a substitute for fish oil capsules. “The issue is for the field of preventive nutritional application with Yes” to answer. ALA is converted to consumption in a number of biologically active substances in our body. So also in the long-chain omega-3 – fatty acids EPA, DPA and DHA, which are concentrated in fish oil. According to new studies, the body can meet its needs in the Omega-3 – fatty acids DHA, EPA and DPA situation. Fish is eaten, the body has little need for EPA etc. from different sources. So little of ALA in EPA is converted. But no fish is eaten, the need is so great, is converted much EPA and other fatty acids from the plant source.