If and Sport, and the Tour is not included, FlexRide selects itself. We demonstrated this at the site of Austrian society motorists, motorcyclists and Auto-moto-tourists. Such acts in the country as much as 16, and on them, anyone for a very affordable money (from 159 to 485 euros) can get their driving skills in different situations. At the landfill Brandlhof-Saalfelden we waited Insignia, equipped with a small additional device – PDA, connected to FlexRide. And it was possible to observe the system on the go.

The display PDA could be seen as changing the settings of different components and assemblies for motion in different conditions. Here we turn on the speed of 50 km / h – and everything is more or less evenly. Here is the same rotation for 70 – and the suspension becomes stiffer. The system controls the operation of the machine is not only a change of speed, but just at different modes of movement – during acceleration or braking, they do not work as for steady motion in a straight line. There we met with the new system and Opel Eye. "Opelevsky eye" doing what must actually engage in driver: he watches for signs and markings. Camera in front of the rearview mirror reads the signs already for a hundred yards ahead and at the entrance to it output to the screen in the center of the dashboard. While this only signs such as speed restrictions or a ban on overtaking, so as not too much to dismiss the driver.