Cold douche is, perhaps, what should not neglect any of us. This method of quenching is popular does not have a generation of people. It does not require special efforts and some complicated recipes, but the effect of cold perfusion produce truly amazing. How do you do the cold pouring correctly, and how best to move them safely. The first thing you need to understand that ice water is not as dangerous as you can seem at first cold perfusion. Naturally any way of tempering is given is not easy, but you have not just say to yourself, thank you, even after many years. Proper pouring cold water on a very beneficial effect on the whole organism. Now I will discuss the general douche, try to give maximum attention to the training. Prepare a cold water, a vessel for pouring, basin and towel.
At the first cold douche does not take a lot of water, gradually increase its volume, leading to 10-15 pitchers about 2 liters. After a dozen such procedures, a cold douche you will feel cheerful, energized, all the unpleasant feelings will pass, despite the fact that first have to be patient. If you have to pour fat people, then mash them a bit of skin after the first perfusion. Wipe after dousing her face and hands, then begin to move actively. Pouring cold hands. Such perfusion should begin with a brush of both hands simultaneously. It will help remove the pain of rheumatism. If you have such an opportunity, then it will be useful moment to hold hands in a cold spring. Mike Gianoni takes a slightly different approach. Cold douche will strengthen your body and allow blood to circulate evenly.
Cold Water Hardening
Posted on 20-01-2025 by