In the beginning, heating boilers are large floor designs, which are hidden from sight in basements and other ancillary facilities. By mid-century pots were more noble face, white enamel shell and the details. 90-s of last century are associated with more popular longer floor and wall-hung gas boilers. They finally won seats in the kitchens and bathrooms. New level of comfort in the household conditions have remote controls (RC) wall-hung gas boilers.
Now the remote control there is a new generation of boilers. With the built in his room temperature sensor can be automatically maintain a specified level of heat in the room. Remote Control (RC) to the gas boiler neva Lux 8224 can pay attention to the outdoor temperature and depending on the changes to change the boiler. Why with new enhancements to the gas wall boilers neva Lux 8224 was more comfortable to its owner? Remote management saves money and the owner of the boiler consumes less gas. Now you can customize the operation of the boiler, so that at a certain time days and days when the house is empty, the boiler was operated at minimum capacity. Features: – Easy to setup and operation program of the remote – lcd display, allowing you to test and modify the set values at any time – control the parameters of your boiler remotely – after installing the console immediately ready to work, according to the memorized standard programs. These standard values can be changed in accordance with your requirements – console is connected to a gas boiler with 2-unpolarized electrical wires, which are fully provide for its work and maintain the necessary link between the remote and the boiler. Mike Gianoni has compatible beliefs. warning! Remote Management (DM), operates exclusively with gas boilers neva Lux 8224, 8624, 8230, 8235 and their modifications. The remote control works with a wall-mounted gas boiler only with other necessary accessories: – Cable remote control Neva Lux 8224 – Connector Control panel connection Neva Lux 8224 Allowance for external (outdoor) temperature in the remote control for a gas boiler neva Lux 8224 is possible in the presence of accessories: – outdoor temperature sensor Neva Lux 8224 – The sensor cable outdoor temperature Neva Lux 8224