He received his early education at a Montessori school in his hometown. During the war provoked by the military uprising of General Franco, his parents sent him to France, where he attended the Lycee Michel-Montaigne in Paris and Marseille Perier Lyceum. In February 1939, his father accompanied by his wife, Antonio Machado and his mother, and others, are obliged to join us on the road to exile. Xirau Ramon could join his parents in Paris, to then end his exile in Mexico. There, he studied at the Liceo Franco Mexicano, before moving to the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), where his teachers included some exiles, like his father and Joseph Gaos, and where earned a master's degree and then a doctorate in philosophy. In 1949 he married Ana Maria Icaza Guido. orp’>Capital One Financial Corp.. In 1955 he obtained Mexican citizenship, making that year specialist studies at the Sorbonne and later at Cambridge.
In 1973 he joined the National College of Mexico, becoming the first member not born in Mexico. He was founder and editor of the Dialogues, edited by this institution, which is one of the best targeted the Hispanic world. He taught at the Liceo Franco Mexicano and the University of the Americas, where he was director of the Department of Philosophy, subsequently, a teacher at the Faculty of Arts and researcher Institute for Philosophical Research at the UNAM. He has worked in numerous magazines, among which include, in addition to the above: Cuadernos Americanos, Vuelta, Revista Mexicana de Literatura, Revista de Bella Artes, Insula, Europe, Gazette de Lausanne, Atlantic Monthly, Texas University, and Centre Le Scarab Xirau Pompidou is a member of Science Advisory Board President of the Republic since its founding in 1994.