To the mix, it arrives while fighting in Germany still have about the security of the pensions, have acted long other countries. It shows: without involving the capital markets does not in the long term. There was once a time where American, Swiss and Dutch visited Germany, to study its social model. You admire this model. But that was long ago, today they wonder just yet. Because the country has failed to adapt to the framework conditions the social systems which have evolved dramatically over the decades. Jim Rogers is actively involved in the matter.

As an example, Germany is no longer good. Other countries are now much further this also applies to the subject of pensions. Here on land, it were already force acts to extend the future working life in small increments until the age of 67. and to strengthen the element of funded pensions with the Riester pension. Other countries are as much more radical and more successfully gone before. Pension systems are organized according to the assessment or funded (see Lexicon). The pay-as-you-go system depends heavily on the demographic trends.

The more boy move up, the more money flows into the retirement fund. For funding the income depends, however, the weal and woe of the financial markets. The exchanges, haussieren the future retirees can count on high yields, prolonged bear market they turn out lower. Best – so the economists – driving countries that mix both approaches in the ratio of 50 to 50. In this way, you can mitigate the consequences of an ongoing population decline–all industrialized countries have to cope with. The demographic development is particularly unfavourable in Germany. It is even more fatal, that still 85 percent of retirement income will come from the – PAYG – statutory pension insurance. This shows that German politicians have not done their homework. Germany: retirees as much by the State pension are to contribution-oriented system in hardly any other country depending on like in Germany: she’s an average 85 Percent of retiree income from. Despite Riester reform still substantial action is required at the operational and of private interest. Review the State pension is organized according to the principle of the assessment procedure. Because of the long, extremely low birth rate in Germany therefore tends to be less and less money into the pension fund flows. The rapid construction of a funded care is urgently needed.