What you need to know about disability, and how you can secure disability is is a very unknown term for many people in Germany. But every fourth professionals is already berufsunfahig regular retirement. Unclear is however often when it is considered berufsunfahig, which causes and consequences has a disability. In addition, the State in the event of an emergency offers little financial protection. What is disability and what causes has she? A disability exists when a worker due to an accident or a disease less than three hours a day may pursue his profession. The causes are many: steadily rising is disability as a result of mental illness.
Meanwhile, nearly 30% of documented cases on a depression are due a burnout syndrome or schizophrenia tendency rising. They are followed by physical ailments such as herniated or tendonitis (approximately 18% of BU cases). But also heart/circulatory problems and cancer are often cause. Strenuous occupations such as roofers and nurses are particularly vulnerable physically. But even professions that little on the body such as commercial jobs are immune from disability.
Here, psychological stress are main reason for a disease first and foremost. The disability must be determined in each case by a medical certificate. What does the State disability? A disability is determined, the State disability pension should intervene and absorb the resulting loss of income. However, the disability benefits for most recipients is barely sufficient and therefore viable. Because only about 30 percent of the previous gross salary is taken over by the State. The pension gap is extremely to the part. At a gross salary of 2,500 and a net amounting to 1,500 he gets Berufsunfahige for example, in the best case 750 State support. There are 750 to missing therefore previous net salary to reach. The pension gap means a significant loss of own life quality for most receivers. In addition to the physical or mental suffering, which has led to the disability, the State disability pension barely enough to maintain the hard-won standard of living? Going to the welfare office is inevitable for many Berufsunfahige without private pensions. The private insurance a must-have for every employed the State hardly helps to disability. The pension gap must be closed with a private pension. Here, a disability insurance policy should be completed. To to the gap in the example above in height of 750, a 30 year-old man with less physical exertion a good rate for example already receives 14 monthly net contribution (insurance coverage up to the age of 60). There but for the disability insurance some obscure clauses (waiting times, abstract reference), is a hasty conclusion of private disability insurance to dissuade. Therefore an independent consultant should be contacted before graduating, which explains all ambiguous terms easy to understand.