Skating rink with artificial ice is the ice surface bounded by the rail. In this case, water is poured ice rink, an artificial freezing cold. Thus, any complex consists of an ice rink the following elements: – The cooling unit (chiller, central, refrigeration plant). – Main pipeline to connect the refrigeration unit (cooling unit) to the field of the ice rink. – The heat exchanger of the ice field rink.
– The pump or pump group in the form of liquor to circulate refrigerant through a refrigeration unit and heat exchanger of the ice rink – Refrigerant (ethylene glycol, propylene glycol), which is cooled in chiller, cools the heat exchanger tube ice field and causes a freezing of water when filling the ice rink. – Ice Harvester ( machine) Modern refrigeration and ledozalivochnye machines allow maximally facilitate the work of maintenance staff and virtually nullify the human impact on the stability of the ice object. Such an ice rink could serve as a playground to play in hockey, figure skating, speed skating, short track, curling, and just a place for mass skating and just leisure. The ice rink can be placed outdoors (seasonal rink) on the square city or in the park. Rink perfectly located inside the inflatable or frame structures. Construction of ice rink requires a significant investment of finances and specific skills in design and construction. For several years now rollers are placed in areas of trade and entertainment centers. Ice rink in the mall is the perfect anchor for visitors and shoppers. Yes, and by itself the business connected with Exploitation of ice facilities, is today one of the most profitable in the service and entertainment. So if you want to build an ice rink, you must be clear about the purpose and conditions of use. This will make the correct selection of refrigeration equipment, the option of manufacturing the field itself is an ice rink and to determine its type fencing (board).