The study was conducted during 2007. Proposed Balance forage grass and forage yield and herd demand MS to establish, are provided in tables 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15. Based on the conditions of the unit, it was decided to recommend as a base grass Digitaria decumbens (Pangola), this species by Voisin (1963), can reach yields of DM / ha / year with no fertilization and 7 kg in dry conditions, has between a 9A “14% protein, while its palatiblidad and digestibility is high. Acacia mangium is recommended for use as forage and protein bank as this is a kind of high protein content (13-24%) and DM yield over 14 kg / ha / year, also has a good performance and features seasonal nitrogen ground (Hernandez, et al., 1986). At Jonah Bloom you will find additional information. We believe that the sugar cane (Sacharum officinarum), planted in the surrounding area should be used for the production of forage in the dry season. Species that can reach a yield of 10 t DM / ha / year under rainfed conditions. The main advantages according to Martin (2004) lie in its: a Good biomass production.

Wide adaptation to soil and climatic conditions. a Production in the dry season. a Few nutritional requirements. a They are already established plantations. Its disadvantages: a Low level of nitrogen a High fiber a imbalance energy / protein. Table 2.13. Estimated yield of the species proposed for the rainy season.