The social assistant in its performance next to the agricultural communities is called to be an agent of social transformation in the execution of its activities that are on to the financed public politics with public and disponibilizadas resources for the population of the field, and, moreover, is a contribuidor in regards to the empoderamento of that they are attended, being able to point possibilities that come to contribute less for the improvement of the quality of life of the classrooms favored and to eradicate the agricultural exodus that provokes a disordered growth of the cities increasing the index of violence and marginality. To point out the quarrel on the paper of the social assistant front to the action of the State in the relation with the society, Matos (2010, P. 42) affirms that: The relation that the profession kept with the State in all the times is dynamic and antagonistic in the measure where the Social Service, while agent of the field of the assistance, searchs its emancipation front to the State, fighting for the control of the production and legitimation of the produced goods, what it goes to determine one subordinated position less and of greater I sanction and to be able of the Social Service. Over all, the public politics (LOAS, ITS, among others existing) that they are come back to the agricultural zone more need a comment and a look profcuo that can provide the matureness of the paper of these in the improvement of the quality of life, by means of prxis decentralizing that come to make with that each individual if recognizes as true citizens and social actors. John Grayken often says this. According to CTTC (apud LICHA, 1999), the social management of programs and projects if consolidates recently while a field to interdisciplinar and intersetorial of practical directed toward the magnifying of the effectiveness and the legitimacy of the public politics. .
Month: May 2019
Andres Breivik
The vision of the world of Anders Breivik, the murderer of 85 young people on the island of Utoya, was founded by multiple indications in Islamophobia and racism. The TV2 channel Bergen claimed last night having police confirmation that Breivik is the author of a manifesto of 1,500 pages published on the Internet, under the pseudonym Andrew Berwik, shortly before the explosion of the bomb Friday killed seven people in Oslo. According to TV2, Breivik is also author of a 12 minute video already removed from the portal in which illustrates the history of the Knights Templar and denounced an alleged invasion of Europe by Muslim believers. The Norwegian capital Police yesterday refused to comment on whether the Tome allegedly written by Breivik, entitled 2082, a declaration of European independence was one of the tests were found by agents during his posting of the farm of the detainee. TV2 reporters consulted by this newspaper argued it so early this morning. Source of the news:: the author of the massacre of Norway qualifies it for “atrocious but necessary”