There are different ways of working with the tale, and their goal – not only the development of artistic perception and social emotions of children, but also the development of creative thinking, imagination, attention and memory, positive communication and adequate self-esteem. Analysis of the tales – the realization that "costs" for each fairy tale situation, a phrase, the behavior of the characters. In this case, children may respond to several questions: What do you think about what this story? How do you think makes a hero commit these or other actions? Who are the heroes you like best and why? What would happen if the heroes do not commit those acts, which are described in the story? What would happen if a fairytale were one or bad one good heroes? And so on, Telling tales of pre-painted. Inventing stories about any subject of the environment. Telling tales of first-person. Rework and appending tales.

This method proposed the use of a famous Italian writer Gianni Rodari. "Pereviranie fairy tale." Rearranged into other tracks, the familiar tale makes the child feel it again. Inventing tales of the key words. Educators explore with this game-exercise children's ability to respond to new and unexpected element, their ability to use such a word in the already well-known story, getting familiar words to respond to new context. The writing fairy tales.

Statement of fairy tales with the help of various kinds of theaters: bibabo, puppetry, shadows, etc. The game into a fairy tale. Plot and role-playing games in general belongs to a large educational role in the development of the individual preschool child.