Today we come across in them ahead of the fast changes that the society has passed in these last years, observes a movement of questioning and rescue of values and of felt of the life, ahead of a individualizada and desumanizante society. The world of the work also passes for this crisis of values and direction, in way that are portraied by diverse signals, such as: increase of the related occupational illnesses to the mental health (former. it estresse, depression, burnout), the increase of the unemployment and under employment, the obsession for the performance and the profit, as well as for the biggest interest of the area of Management of People for practical as quality of life in the work, strategies of humanizao of management, social responsibility, concern with satisfaction in the work, among others. Today, if it searchs is I balance in the personal and professional life. & ldquo; The companies not only want executives balanced in the profession.
To be efficient, she is necessary well to be decided in the life, if not, what it left there is it starts to intervene with the creativity and produo.& rdquo; Ahead of this reality, it inside developed a methodology of resgaste of the values, principles, moral, with a process of individual development aiming at a bigger humanizao of the being, for a bigger happiness resulting in a bigger production in all the directions: Intellectual, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual, inside of this reality the company will be offering to its services the organizations; beyond this basic aspect for a good Management, the Company needed to develop the human being internally, therefore it is the conducting Real of the process, lining up its necessities and values to the one of the Company. Balanced and harmonized people produce better resulted. The result of the company is generated by the people who in it work.