The pupil never must be treated as customer, as consuming, then because she is an agent with previous experiences, soon also to interact and to complement the educative process. Professors, in turn, cannot and nor they must be mere transmitters of knowledge. ' ' Changed at any time for one mquina' '. its experiences and knowledge? The education cannot be a market, does not have to be a lender of services, the State cannot only be one financier and the pupil a customer. It is the global formation, of State, professor, pupil and family.
For the formation of conscientious citizens and its values he wants either civil, but above all humanitarian. The world globalizado with certainty moved in the axle of ours mundinho, revirando the things that were in inertia. truth that the public school does not obtain to absorb the changes that occur the years light of the education. The consequences are in itself disastrous. When the author speaks of 21% of pupils of public schools in the universities.
He evidences the difficulty that the pupils has in obtaining to enter in a public university. that has courses that the competition is gigantic. Recent research says that only 6% of the pupils conclude superior education and of these 1.5% are in the public schools. It still has a different profile of each institution, the Universities of Gois, for example, 60% of the pupils are of the public schools and that they had adhered the quotas for blacks. The good of the truth, is that the market ' ' capitalista' ' it searchs better professional, ' ' optimum salesman, optimum gestor' ' , that nor always he came of the public school and nor always acts in the area of its academic formation. But that he learned with the diversities of the world after-modern, and is capable to act with quality in the massacrante and globalizado world.