Houses many people power comes to feel that his life has had bad luck, that nothing comes out of him and blames everything but your home, which may be the real reason why not what you get looks for if we want to have a good spiritual growth, awakening abilities to see beyond the everyday or to find what you are looking for in this lifethen it is essential to ensure that our House enjoys good health. Many have experienced situations which apparently have no reason for being, for example, when we have huge reasons to be happy and however we woke up with an inexplicable regret. What most determines that we feel this way is our House, its State will be that help us to be better or to evolve both materially and spiritually. The explanation is that during sleep we solve of the tensions of the day, as well as the emotions and collisions that we have with other people. When we sleep we filed everything, because our physical body is like an engine that can burst if it desfoga not tension. The intention is that the next day we wake up in perfect condition, that lift us up well and we can discard everything negative from the previous day.
But if our House is not good or is blocked and cannot receive that energy of the cosmos, we got then up tired, in pain from body or head, not wanting to wake up because that energy deficiency suffered during the night. Another reason is that the homes that were inhabited prior have an accumulated joys, problems, anger which are kept in a safe deposit box and somehow harm us. If, for example, a couple of newlyweds move to a place where he lived before another marriage that has had very strong problems, the new spouses may divorce by inhabiting where is that inheritance of fights, that energy that will permeate them.