Although it had not been until the end of that meeting, I understood that if it did not deal with contraction simply, as they call the economists to if relating to a period where the economy of one determined region or country leaves to grow, occurring a reduction of the commercial and industrial activities that takes to the fall of the rhythm of the production and the work increasing the unemployment, diminishing the wages. Not! They did not speak of one marola that it would disappear with a new change of the winds. One was about a crisis that would evolve, gradually. For return of the five hours I felt a bit of sleep and I twisted to retake the dream, but I took off only one has taken nap. I arose the six and half, I prepared the coffee of the morning, counted the occurrence for my lesser son and cost to arrive at the Ministry to divide with somebody.

The first person was the assistant manager of the sector heard that me narrative with the biggest attention. Later it said of well concise form: _ Its husband is certain. The United States are the biggest world-wide economy. But, we go to wait! _ Yes, clearly. But I also know that this will go to happen. It would not know as to explain this, as to prove that it goes to happen, it goes! It concludes convicta, however half without skill as that ashamed for that one my assertive enigmatic one, without concrete recital. The second person, of the Financial Sector, one of the departments of the agency, for which I delivered the processes of reversions that would be revised and paid to who of right, when hearing me with the principle of possible attention, it answered: _ All we know that the United States are the biggest economic power of the world, Helena, but me she does not seem to have been a dream any. We go to wait to see. In the end of that one if