As much wanted to differentiate the user of the consumer who made use in art. 275 of the EC n 19/1998 on the necessity of protetiva law of the user, although the existence of protetiva law of the consumer (Law n 8,078/90)? Code of Defense of the Consumer? CDC. To deal with diverse form the external customer due to absence of freedom of choice of the used service does not only have direction, therefore instead of protecting the citizen it would be admitting that the State and the city deal with to it as a mere user who must content itself with that and the form that offered to it. It does not have doubt that the introduction of the customer concept represents a change in would reengenharia x quality In the Management of Quality to the Attendance directed toward the State Public Agencies in the City of Teresina – Pi, is important and positive in the organizacional culture of the public sector. But ' ' who is the customer in the public sector? ' ' This questioning, easily equated and decided for the companies whom a vision of satisfaction of the customer to the attendance in the agency public State of the city of Teresina searchs with conformity? Pi. The feeling of approval of the customer is understood for satisfaction who only occurs when it is taken care of, at least, of the form as it waited. The related term customer and type of necessities or yearnings it do not take in account the dimensions of equity, responsibility and public good, being this insufficient concept clearly to represent the paper of the citizen. Citizenship backwards in its bulge an active and dynamic concept, one way of double hand for where they pass through right and duties. Under the citizen approach, the user of the public services starts to have rights that go much beyond those of the consumers.