Month: October 2011

Ukraine Diary

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Group tasks. On how correctly you sgruppiruete tasks, the success of their implementation. For a convenient grouping of you should choose the category 4.3, which will reflect the nature and degree of importance of tasks. K For example: IMPORTANT PRIORITY URGENT NEED TO READ THE STUDY OF CONTROL Choose your current in your job category, and always group the tasks according to your two. Effectively use your diary. Regardless of how we used to plan their working hours, is an indispensable attribute of daily business life. It is not enough to do's, must be clearly regulated system of reference. History diaries more than one century.

In Russia, the first queen with strong business skills, Catherine the Great had a habit of writing down everything that happened in the day, and all that it had planned to do. Catherine The second requires its citizens to conduct daily. Speaking of a later time, we are accustomed to Ezhednevnik all still at school. Yes, remember the school diary! That he was our first tool on the way to the organization and planning time. In the diary we were to carry a schedule (plan for the week), and recorded the result of the tasks (we put estimates). Today Diary – is an extremely important tool. It is ideally suited to record key information, a list of important cases, phone numbers and contacts of business partners. Diary is very convenient because it can be used to plan your day, and as a consequence – to adhere to the plan.

For me the diary – an indispensable tool, which helps to make rational use of my time. A very important characteristic diary – its quality. The range of notebooks, which are offered to us today business industry is very high. You can pick up a cheap daily diary or Vip-class. There are diaries with covers of various materials – fabrics, kozhzama, genuine leather. Cost and quality in such cases are directly proportional. Therefore, an important criterion when choosing a diary should be lifetime. As a rule, diary bought for a year, respectively, life diary – one year. Naturally, the diaries of cover of leather or imitation leather quality will not be ashamed to get it and at the end of the year – the cover does not crack and does not overwrite. Qualitative Diary – part of the image of business people. Proverb: "By their looks meet "- refers to business accessories. Agree, it's nice for a business meeting to record important data to a nice leather day planner, and not a cheap notebook. Today's diaries are equipped with substantial information block – Metro map or country, a list of telephone codes of cities of Ukraine, a list of important phone governmental organizations and agencies, and more. Optionally, the unit diary can be equipped with personal data of your company. In this case, a leather diary with your company logo and additional information about the company's inside – a great corporate gift, which will be for one year remind your partner of you.

Russia Quot

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December 30, 2009 Company InformZaschita completed a project on the preparation and the certification of CJSC "Armenian Card" (Yerevan) in compliance with international safety standard payment cards – PCI DSS century. 1.2, for results of which the company received a certificate of compliance. CJSC "Armenian Card" is the first company in Armenia, received the certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS. Conduct a successful certification is the result of joint project of CJSC "Armenian Card" and ZAO NPC InformZaschita. The project was implemented in several key stages and lasted more than two years. The audit for 2008 was drawn up a detailed plan to correct the discrepancies, A working group of employees "Armenian Card" and "InformZaschita. In the next stage were carried out all necessary works to eliminate inconsistencies, including instrumental assessment was carried out protection of the environment of data processing of payment cards, including scans of publicly available network nodes "Armenian Card" and testing the possibility of obtaining unauthorized access to cardholder data. On final stage of the project was conducted the certification audit, the results of which have been identified no non-compliance standard, which allowed the company InformZaschita make a positive conclusion and issue "Armenian Card" certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS.

According to project leader of the InformZaschita QSA-auditor Igor Eliseev:" The project was made possible through a coordinated joint work of employees "Armenian Card" and experts InformZaschita, as well as the professionalism of the project participants and focus on results. " According to Maxim, Emma, director of the Department of Audit InformZaschita: "The specialists of Informzaschita" and "Armenian Card" had to make serious efforts to ensure compliance with all PCI DSS requirements in view of features of infrastructure "Armenian Card "in the given budget framework. One of the key success factors of project I would call the approach to the implementation plan for achieving compliance, which ensures close interaction between client and auditor and periodic monitoring by the auditor not only on the basis of the plan, but during the time of its implementation. " Also, Maxim Emm said that "Armenian Card" is the first in Armenia and among the top ten companies received a certificate of compliance with PCI DSS requirements in Russia and CIS. Executive Director of the "Armenian Card" Shagen Hovhannisyan said that since the adoption of the standard PCI DSS (2006), the company set a goal – fully comply with the PCI DSS. To this end, the company carried out work on staff training, introduction of a strict system of quality control, updating the system software and hardware. In result of strict implementation of the above works was to obtain Certificate of Eligibility (Certificate of Compliance). Work to achieve PCI DSS compliance led to a new level of workflow and positive impact on the quality and safety services to the company ZAO Armenin Card ". And as the Certificate of Compliance issued for 1 year and is subject to annual audit, Shahen Hovhannisyan assured that the company "Armenin Card" will continue to work on retaining and validating the results.